Anger is a defense for fears
Which often exists undiscovered for years.
No one can love when anger is around.
It’s a cover-up for fears we haven’t yet found.
Fear and anger, baring pain.
Living with it brings to you no gain.
Anger is the flip side of fear.
If it remains, it only grows, year after year.
Fear… how many forms can it assume?
It assumes countless ones and your being it can consume.
Anger, jealousy, vengefulness, hatred, macho behavior, violence, and depression.
These are just a few of the ways fear attempts to leave an impression.
If you harm another, physically or emotionally
You are manifesting fear and destroying another totally.
By looking for validation outside your own being
You’re trying to justify yourself, but you’re still not seeing.
If you always have to be in control and be right,
You are really afraid of something hidden far out of sight.
So, when you are angry and extremely out of control,
Stop and ask yourself to do an emotional in-depth patrol.
All negative feelings come from fear of not being good enough
And unless you confront your fear, you’ll find times to be continually rough.
When you feel fear, challenge the source
Then you’ll finally be on a corrective course.
Unresolved anger destroys intimacy in marriage and takes away love.
Dissolving anger removes the obstacle and allows you to love as God does above.
Your only real power comes from this realization
And then and only then, can you feel exhilaration.
The problem lies deep inside you
And you’ll never be at peace until you realize this is true.
Anger cannot be held inside.
It always comes out, for it’s too volatile to hide.
Fear has such a broad, painful scope
It seems like fighting it leaves one with little hope.
But remember, it keeps you from living your full potential.
It impedes and destroys your life; it’s in no way inconsequential.
Only by challenging fear and looking inside yourself
Can you give the gifts your soul wants to give…then you have true wealth.
Begin to know that anything which is not love, has its roots in fear
And you need to confront these forces to be happy here.
Re-center your life around your authentic power
And let Love begin to be the center of each and every hour.
By Ann Leyh