A Reason to Live
What happened yesterday is the past,
Nothing golden ever seems to last.
You can’t change yesterday, it’s just an old sorrow.
The only thing you can change is tomorrow.
What you did in the past is unimportant, so let it fly away.
What counts now is what you learned from it today.
No one can ever go back; one should not even try.
The essence of life is going forward; make mistakes, have a good cry.
It doesn’t matter how many times you fall down or lose your way.
All that counts is how many times you get up and begin again another day.
Sometimes you have to push yourself a little further than you dare.
Hold on a little, let go a little, there is a balance to found there.
We all have something to l earn, we all have something to give,
And finding what that is, gives us a reason to live.