Kaleidoscope of Advice - Beauty and age



When I look in the mirror I see “old”,
There are lines, worry wrinkles, and here and there a fold.

There’s no magic cream to whish all this away,
I have to accept that all these wrinkles are here to stay.

Crowfeet, laugh lines, wrinkled brow,
There’s nothing anyone can do for me now.

Perhaps a facelift, that’ll do the trick,
But the thought of all the pain makes me sick.

So, I’ve come to the conclusion that those lines are not so bad,
They’re merely a roadmap of the life I’ve had.

Their evidence of the laughter, the pain, the kids, the tears,
They represent my character and life through these many years.

So why add more wrinkles, trying to erase the lines,
Just accept them because they’re your life signs.

Be happy, exude friendliness and people won’t care,
If your face is wrinkled and gray is in your hair.

Because it’s what’s inside that people see,
And that constitutes the essence of you and me.

By Ann Leyh