Ann Leyh

April 1, 1937 – August 21, 2022

Ann Leyh was born in Uvalde Texas. She received her BA degree in English and Spanish in 1959 at the University of Texas at Austin. In 1961 she married Herman Leyh and traveled extensively with him until 1965. She taught school for 28 years in many different states, whereby a long time at Canyon Middle School. In 1993 she retired and lived in New Braunfels Texas until her death.

That was the best way she expressed herself. Many asked her to speak or write a poem for a wedding, a funeral, a birthday or another occasion. She would be given information about a person, interview them and then voilá, came out a master piece of a poem. So many remember her by her talent to write poems. She also really loved animals and nature, because they gave her unconditional love. She surrounded herself with animals in every way; her dogs and nature were everything to her.

Ann has two daughters Roseann Leyh Diehl and Stephanie Leyh, married to Jon Diehl and Joost van Mierlo. Roseann still lives in the states but Stephanie moved to the Netherlands in 1993 where she still lives today.

In the book she left for her daughters she wrote:“This poetry collection is dedicated to my two daughters, Roseann and Stephanie, both of whom have been a delight and an inspiration for many of my poems. I love them with all my heart. I decided to compile my poems into a book for my daughters, and some of my closest friends and relatives. It depicts some bitter unhappy times, as well as some very happy times. I have always loved to read and write poetry! I hope you will enjoy reading my poems and understand that I went through a very difficult time during and after my divorce. Many of the poems reflect those times, and are bitingly sarcastic, especially toward my ex-husband. Many of them are about men who are insensitive to the needs of others, especially to their wives and women in general.Today, I am not so bitter,Have fun reading them, even if you disagree. And remember, you don’t have to agree with me, just read and digest my feelings and thoughts. I’ll be seeing you in my poems! ”