A Soft Place to Fall
Certain consequences result from certain behavior.
Another person can’t make your life work or be your personal savior.
If you have no method for making a marriage work, your marriage will fail,
You’ll lose your commitment; your love will die from lack of nourishment and grow pale.


Be willing to take the risk of being totally honest with your mate.
Don’t fear rejection or more hurt will inevitably be your fate.
People need to feel nurtured by the one they love for relationships to remain “tight”.
Everyone needs a soft place to fall when things aren’t going so right.


If you give what you have, you can get what you need.
So be ready to plant this all-important seed.
Then you’ll realize what you really need is each other.
Make it clear that you aren’t interested in finding another.


When you say, “I love you to death or I’m willing to die for you.”
What you should say instead is that you’re willing to live for that person too.
Take the risk of being open and getting real,
And you’ll be able to tell one another exactly how you feel,
With no fear of rejection that hurts and destroys the soul.
Then both of you will be living a life that makes you feel needed an whole.


By Ann Leyh