of Advice

“Poems of a woman’s life” functions as a platform for poems that are written by women that expresses their feelings about life. They express their fears, their joys, their anger, their sadness, their happiness, their abuse and all have a very practical base and give other women ideas of how to be strong or thoughts to think about when making a life decision because they lived through these times. The poems are all about real things and experiences, women, men, animals, children, family, friends, babies, happiness, life and death.

This website hopefully will give inspiration and strength to women all over the world to be able to express themselves and share their thoughts, memories and experiences in poems.

About Ann Leyh

Poem of the Day

My Forever Pet

There’s something missing in my home,
I feel it day and night.
I know it will take time and strength
Before things feel quite right.

But just for now, I need to mourn,
My heart…it needs to mend.
Though some may say it’s just a pet,
I know I’ve lost a friend.

You’ve brought such laughter to my home,
And richness to my days…
A constant friend through joy or loss,
With gentle, loving ways.

Companion, pal, and confidante,
A friend I won’t forget.
You’ll live for always in my heart,
My sweet, forever pet.

By Ann Leyh